
9歲兒不小心看到Jocelyn Chia視頻 MH370家屬:他抱我哭著說想爸爸

(八打靈再也11日訊)失聯的馬航MH370班機機組人員妻子英旦麥祖拉表示,隨著美籍脫口秀演員Jocelyn Chia調侃馬航班機失蹤的視頻在網上瘋傳,她的9歲兒子也不小心看到了視頻,並抱著她痛哭。



“我們沒有給他看這段愚蠢的視頻,但他在偶然下看到了這個令人討厭的Jocelyn Chia的演出,孩子不停的向我說,他們很想念父親。”



昨日,有網民要求他們一家人對Jocelyn Chia調侃馬航班機失蹤一事一笑置之。



對此,英旦麥祖拉分享了兒子看到Jocelyn Chia視頻後抱著她痛哭的視頻,並忍不住怒斥,消費別人的傷心、把快樂建築在別人的悲痛上,是最缺德的事。







Jocelyn Chia調侃馬航MH370失聯事件,猶如在家屬傷口上撒鹽。(視頻截圖)

@intanmaizuraothaman Replying to @earlyonsetlatelifecrisis Maybe you can share with us what is real joke. So we can enjoy and laugh together. 9 years and this forever gonna be a trauma for every MH370 Next of Kin or for sure to my childrens ! For those strangers who didn’t know what I really going through.Here, a clip for you. It has been 9 years since MH370 and not once I ever share things like this I have no intention to share it openly. Only family members or close friends aware of all the tears and whatever my childrens have to endure. I don’t see reason why should I share it and I ain’t interested in gaining anything out of our misery. To me This should be a privacy, and should be be handle privately. However this issues really trigger me and made my childrens sad and angry. some insensible individual thinking that such tragedy is just a piece of tragedy or history that can be use for so called comedy. No, It’s not funny! It’s pathetic, gross and shitty ! But I guess people need to see for them to believe it. Let me introduce my son, Muhammad. 9yrs ago, he was born 2 mnths after the incident of MH370. He finally saw the nasty Jocelyn gig by incident in TT. (fyi,I never show him the stupid sketch) Do you know that my childrens own a heart.? They missed their papa so dearly and Muhammad is longing for his papa..missing his papa.. In this video he said, “I understand the video, but I didn’t know what to say(respon)” Give us a break! Stupid remarks, jokes about MH370 is offensive and unnecessary, PERIOD ! Like I mentioned.. Use your brain, Refrain your tongue from hurting people. Have some humanity and emphaty. Disclaimer: I’m far from using this to gain sympathy, popularity or attention by this posting this video BUT to highlight and give out the awareness to those irresponsible stupid individuals who thinks that everything is a comedy! Know that that there is someone’s heart you break for your own sake ! Never ever cross the line , NEVER ! #jocelynchia #stupid #prayformh370 #prayforrain #mh370 #humanity #malaysia ♬ original sound – Intan Maizura Othaman ✈️
